Grief & Meditation Coaching
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I understand that every person, every situation, every loss,
every story is unique.
Whether you prefer individual, group, or online/phone
sessions, the ultimate goal is to
mindfully attend to your
I understand that every person, every situation, every loss,
every story is unique.
Whether you prefer individual, group, or online/phone
sessions, the ultimate goal is to
mindfully attend to your
"You will be free
to live forward"

Grief &
An innovative and integrated approach to grief support

and life to be present, and to learn strategies to cope with all the complex emotions that come with unresolved grief. As a result, you will begin to feel relief and will be able to start feeling the good things in life again.
I understand that every person, every situation, every loss, every story is unique.
Whether you prefer individual, group, or online/phone sessons, the ultimate goal is to mindfully attend to your loss by creating space in your heart

Grief &
Calm your mind
Create relaxation
Find peace within yourself
Develop a new self-narrative
Improve communication
Identify losses
Acknowledge grief
Debunk Old Beliefs
Remember and honor
Discover space for forgiveness
Navigate difficult emotions
Re-establish trust
Improve awareness
Nurture body and mind
Develop compassion
This collaborative process is specifically designed for you. We will uncover and debunk old beliefs that no longer serve you, identify incomplete losses and explore ways to remember and honor your loved one(s). Together we will work to effectively deal with the guilt, blame and forgiveness to develop your new self-narrative for moving forward.
As meditation creates a space for forgiveness, you can begin to open to compassion toward yourself and others. While calming your body and mind, I help you to navigate difficult emotions in order to improve your present moment awareness, and move you towards finding healing peace.
Free 30 minute consultation!

How Meditation
for Grief & Loss Helps
Relaxation meditations can help relieve physical tension, and even change how you relate to physical pain. Often with grief we experience physical pain which just adds to the emotional pain that is present. When we are able to take care of our body, our mind experiences relief too.
Concentration meditations, such as counting your breath or focusing your attention, can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. While grief does not equal depression, the experience of grief can feel very much like depression. These meditation practices signal your brain that it is safe to turn off the fight-flight-freeze response, which can help reduce anxiety.
Compassion meditations can help you skillfully tend to yourself and your relationships with others. After any kind of loss, it is not uncommon to become hard on ourselves or others- we may experience blame, anger, regret, etc. We feel hurt and vulnerable. These practices can help ease the suffering, calm our hearts, and open to love so that we can honor our losses and embrace the life that is here.
Inquiry meditations can help us to reorient ourselves after loss. By turning towards our pain rather than avoiding it, we are able to see more clearly our own wisdom and truth. This powerful type of meditation can have a lifelong impact on how we relate to our own beautiful life. In inquiry meditation we ask a question in a contemplative manner, and then find the stillness to
receive our own guidance. This empowers us to navigate our own path through grief rather than trying to fit into a contrived method or process.

Individual Sessions
(60 minutes)
8 weeks, personalized
one-to-one sessions $960
Benefits- Everyone grieves differently. These one-on-one sessions will be tailored to fit the unique and individual needs of the griever. I create a safe and nurturing space where you can be honest and authentic. Together we will look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and create strategies that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain.
This is a uniquely personal action orientated program where we take specific steps towards healing.
Group Sessions
(90 minutes)
8 weeks, 4-8 people $600
Benefits- Sometimes having a community can help us normalize, affirm and navigate our grieving experiences. In this workshop, I create a safe and nurturing space for you to build connection with others while taking action to complete unresolved grief. Together we will look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and create strategies that will lead you to healing. I will provide each participant with materials, including the book from which we will be working, The Grief Recovery Handbook.
Deep Dive Session
(60 minutes)
One-to-one $150
Benefits- Single sessions allow us to continue your self-exploration and personal growth together as needed.

Grief & Meditation Coaching

My personal journey in loss began when I was 2 1/2 years old. During that time, my mom suffered a traumatic bicycle accident that left her with severe tinnitus, dizziness, and gradual hearing loss that eventually led to double cochlear implant surgery.
The impact that her accident had on her and our family was immediate and lasting.
When I was 29, I became pregnant with identical twins.
My husband and I found out at 37 weeks during our final ultrasound that one of our twins, Cole, did not have a heartbeat. He had died from twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome some time the night before our ultrasound appointment. While we were able to save his brother, Xan, due to the fortunate timing of that appointment, the hole that was left in our hearts was vast, dark and unforgiving.
At 39, 2 children, one angel, 2 dogs, 3 lizards, a beautiful home, and many wonderful memories, my world as I knew it was flipped upside down once again. My marriage of 13 years was over. I was heartbroken and absolutely devastated.
He was not only my husband, he was my best friend.
A year later, I lost another best friend, our 2 year old Golden Doodle named Fluffy. He was a pal to everyone, but he was my baby. He and I were in a major car accident that led to me in the hospital with a fractured sternum and other bruises, and Fluffy losing his life. Some people are surprised to learn that this was among the beasts of all of my losses. There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I haven't thought about and/or cried about Fluff.
He was simply The Best.
These are a few of the losses in my life that led me to where I am today. Each of these has impacted my life tremendously. And while I couldn’t see through the heartache, anger, sadness, hurt, blame, guilt, etc. for many years, I am now able to see the lessons I have learned. It is in my personal grief that service has become an important tool for moving me forward.
It is through these losses that I have gained a compassionate ability to connect with others.
It is through these losses that I am able to see the resiliency of the human spirit.
Grief & Meditation Coach

Life Coach
Accomplishment Coaching
Grief Recovery Specialist
The Grief Recovery Method Institute
Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher Certification Program
MBSR Practitioner​
University of Massachusetts
Center for Mindfulness